The offer

Performance work
Berlin, Sardinia and the Thyrrenian sea, 2021

Photos: Nina Rossi

Crafted on fully recicled paper free from whitening treatments.

The offer is a processual work that consists of a series of texts written every day over a whole year, then wrapped as a package using red thread. During my stay in Sardinia, Andrea Burelli borrowed the piece for her music video, where she carries it in her hands while walking through a wheat field. At the end of the trip, the ritual was completed by offering the texts to the sea as a tribute.

Over the years, I’ve developed a personal wrapping style that appears in various works. In her essay “The Moral Dimension of Japanese Aesthetics” philosopher Yuriko Saito explores how moral values of care and respect are integral to Japanese cotidian dynamics such as wrapping gifts, cooking or courtship love. Wrapping an object is a way of showing care.